Enrollment and Fees

2023/2024 Enrollment is open!

We provide a longer than typical preschool session allowing for a more child-centered day. However, September is a month of gradual entry. In order to help children ease into our preschool day, and gradually transition from home, we begin with shorter preschool sessions. Within two weeks we are into full length classes. 


2022/23 Classes

The 3s and 4s will be combined into one class. Fees include VICPA membership, in-class guests and field trips out into our community. 



3s & 4s CLASS

9:15am to 12:45pm : Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 

Mondays are also available for as an add on.

(SPACES AVAILABLE, email enrollment@oakbaypreschool.com)



FEES, 2023-2024 School Year

Annual non-refundable registration fee per child: $100


Full Participation - Monthly: $220/month

(With Monday included - $346/month)

Partial Participation - Monthly: $290/month

(With Monday included - $436/month)


To enroll or be put on our waiting list, please contact enrollment@oakbaypreschool.com





To register for the Preschool September 2023/24 classes please email enrollment@oakbaypreschool.com

For other inquiries please email info@oakbaypreschool.com

Got Questions?

Email directly to our enrolment team and they will be more than happy to help you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.